Wednesday 3 February 2016

25 Foods that contain potassium

Some potassium rich foods
Foods that are rich in potassium can reduce blood pressure and prevent heart attack and stroke. The American Heart Association encourages the consumption of a diet that includes natural sources of potassium. This is because potassium helps in reducing blood pressure by lowering the effects of sodium.  Here are some foods that contain potassium:
1 Fresh tomatoes

2 Banana

3 Sweet potato

4 Mushroom

5 Grapefruit
6 Spinach

7 Orange

8 Cantaloupe
9 Molasses

10 Apricots

11 Prunes
12 Beetroot

13 Lima beans

14 Avocado (pear)
15 Soy beans
16 Potatoes

17 Broccoli
18 Carrot

19 Cabbage

20 Celery

21 Bell pepper

22 Paw-paw (papaya)
23 Onions

24 Water melon

25 Cucumber


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How to get rid of pimples and acne at home
World’s Healthiest Foods. Potassium
American Heart Association. Potassium and High Blood Pressure

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