Monday, 17 August 2015

Six Back-to-School Tips for Parents

Charles I. Schwartz, MD, a pediatrician at PennCare for Kids Phoenixville, provides some tips for parents as they help their children prepare for the new school year.

It’s almost that time of the year again - leading to a collective sigh of relief from parents everywhere.

For children across the country, school will soon be back in session. This is a difficult time as schedules become filled and new pressures are put on children and parents. Making sure your child gets off to a good start is crucial and can influence your child’s confidence, attitude and performance in the classroom.

"It is important to plan ahead when helping your children prepare for the first day of school," explains Dr. Schwartz. "If parents are calm, optimistic and supportive, children will feel confident and ready to start the year.

Here are a few suggestions to help get your child on the right track to having a successful school year:
  • Get your forms ready: There may be certain vaccinations your child needs prior to the start of the new school year. Most fall sports programs require completed medical forms prior to student participation.
  • Don't hit snooze: Help your child get used to the back-to-school routine by beginning the transition to earlier-wake up times and bedtimes during the end of summer. This will ensure your child is ready for when the school year starts. Proper rest is vital for a healthy and productive school year.
  • Feed their bodies and brains: Good nutrition influences your child’s school performance. Studies show that children who eat healthy, balanced breakfasts and lunches do better in school.
  • Pick the right size pack: Ensure your child is carrying a backpack which is the right weight and reduces stress on their back.
  • Wash hands: Before your child goes back to school, make sure he or she understands the health importance of proper hand washing, especially before eating and after using the restroom.
  • Exercise: Fitness will help your child sleep easier and allow them to better handle physical and emotional challenges - from running to catch a bus to studying for a test.

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