Friday 1 June 2012

Penn’s Basser Research Center: Only Center in the World Dedicated to BRCA Research

The Basser Research Center at Penn Medicine was created with the assistance of a $25 million transformational gift from Penn alumni, Mindy and Jon Gray. As part of Penn's Abramson Cancer Center, the center is the first of its kind in the world dedicated to researching BRCA. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are gene mutations associated with an increased risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

The center focuses on every stage of the diagnosis including:
  • Communication
  • Outreach and risk assessment
  • Prevention
  • Early detection
  • Treatment
  • Survivorship
Led by Executive Director Susan M. Domchek, MD, the center supports research with a focus on interdisciplinary work and seeks to accelerate the pace of translational research. Starting with a team of eight revolutionary researchers and physicians, the Basser Research Center is dedicated to better understanding the development of cancer, creating less invasive interventions for prevention and treatment and ultimately, saving lives. 

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