Tuesday 20 September 2011

Mango Sherbet

I've been kind of sick of eating commercial ice cream and packaged cookies with my lunch lately.  Eating tons of that crap just doesn't feel right.  Intuitively I think to myself that, sure I might be able to get away with it - especially taking buttloads of minerals and putting blackstrap molasses in all my food, but ideal? 

One of the main objectives of RBTI is to maximize the amount of vitamins and minerals that you absorb.  One way of looking at it is that you can get away with eating fewer nutrients because your body is absorbing them so much more effectively.  That's cool and all.  But knowing that I'm absorbing my food better just inspires me to want to eat better food!  So I've been doing some typical health nerd stuff like juicing, and switching from commercial desserts full of refined sugar (Reams believed that most people couldn't handle more than 2 pounds of refined sugar per year - but he did have hypoglycemics eating pie and ice cream like there was no tomorrow) to mostly fruit-sweetened desserts like light ice creams and sherbets.

Anyway, I've really been enjoying my eating now that I've got my Vitamix and juicer back in my possession after almost an entire year of being separated.  So here's a little show and tell.  I have made two sherbets (by the way a sherbet is basically just a fruit-based frozen dessert with dairy fat added - like a light ice cream) so far - one with mango and the other with frozen bananas (no sweetener added).  I would like to make some with cherries or peaches or papaya in the future. Strawberries are not recommended for consumption on RBTI because the tiny, hard seeds get stuck in the colon.  However, one of Vitamix's sales pitches is that it is so powerful it can grind the tiny seeds in strawberries and unlock the nutrition in them - making smoothies and ice cream made with strawberries more nutritious.  This is debatable, but I may try that one some day as well.     

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