Wednesday 17 August 2011

RBTI Introduction Video - Challen Waychoff

Pip and I will be leaving Wheeling on Friday to tour around New York and New Jersey (starting Friday in Rochester).  Pippa will bring a test kit with her and is willing to swing by and test anyone in the area that is interested, as well as go over all the intricate details of Challen's program for a reasonable fee.  I'll be there to make fart noises in several creative ways, do impressions, say GARRRR every time she looks at the refractometer, and otherwise annoy her.  I'll write more about this tomorrow.  If you are an individual or alternative health practitioner of some kind in the area and know that you are definitely interested you can start the process of lining up an appointment by sending her an email at

I say all this now because I probably won't be busting out any big articles while we are gone, but I do hope to keep pumping out short video clips of Challen - the myth, the legend... each day - or when I get a chance.  You can see the first one right here.  I think he did a pretty good job at introducing the basic concept behind the RBTI, the meaning of some of the numbers, and the kind of approach he takes.  

Before you hastily nitpick every phrase or try to bust his balls over the details, realize that no one here is trying to proclaim Challen as the almighty guru of all things health.  He is not.  No one is.  What Challen offers is a powerful tool to add to the toolbox - especially for those in desperate circumstances that simply can't stabilize their body chemistry enough to digest and metabolize food efficiently enough to heal themselves.  The system is, in many ways, very advanced.  And, for the most part, very straightforward, simple, easy, predictable, and oftentimes extraordinarily quick depending on the situation.  Anyway, here's "THE WHIZARD..."

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