Thursday 25 August 2011

High-Brix Gardening and Farming

On my crazy road trip, I took the time to swing by the Platte family farm in Rochester, New York.  The Platte family has had a history of many debilitating health problems, but used RBTI, as well as clearing their homes of black mold, to get dramatic improvements - especially since they made the recent switch to working with Challen Waychoff.   

Their RBTI experiences have been so inspiring that they decided to take the plunge and buy a tract of land to start some "Reams-based agronomy" for themselves and their local community. 

Reams believed that the Brix reading was the best indicator of the nutritional quality of a food.  The Brix reading shows the total amount of dissolved solids - such as sugar, in a drop of liquid squeezed from the food.  While not the be-all, end-all of gauging the nutritional quality of a food, there often is a very strong correlation between vitamin and mineral density and the Brix reading.  The higher the reading, the better the product.  Reams developed the chart below... 
One thing you will see with foods of higher nutritional quality is a higher specific gravity - meaning that the fruit or vegetable feels very heavy for its size.  This is one thing I really noticed when I put a Platte-farm squash, some peppers, and a few tomatoes in a plastic bag.  The bag felt like it was full of rocks, and was very heavy even though very little was in the bag.  The squash felt like a freakin' meteorite or something - small, but very heavy like you would expect something to feel that was saturated with dense minerals. 

Another indicator is complete resistance to insect damage, fungus, and so forth.  As you will see in the video I shot, the leaves on the crops they are growing are completely pristine.  And they use no pesticides or herbicides or anything of that nature. 

And one really amazing indicator of nutritional superiority is that the food doesn't rot.  Literally.  It may dehydrate, but it does not rot or go bad. 

Anyway, I knew some of you out there, like Rob A. who I was able to give a sneak preview to, are really inspired by growing foods with great nutritional superiority.  So here is a taste of what one family, with no farming knowledge going into it, was able to achieve by their 2nd growing season in soil that was totally depleted when they started.  Pretty remarkable. 

If this kind of stuff really turns you on, you can find out more from the Platte family on the RBTI yahoo forum that Pippa put together a few months ago.

You can also get in touch with Thomas Giannou in Spokane, WA (who is growing 4-ft. tall broccoli and 28-Brix grapes - 2 points higher than the world's best winemakers acknowledge is even possible), who sells starter kits for farms and gardens that sound pretty remarkable.   

Also, Pip and I will again be hitting the road again soon en route to Colorado for my good friend's wedding.  We will be making many diversions to test people along the way just like we did on our recent trip to New York/New Jersey.  So if you are anywhere between West Virginia and Colorado - including Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, etc. - including of course Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, etc. - then let Pip know immediately at  We will try our best to get to everyone.   

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