Monday 25 July 2011

RBTI Testimonial

I've made the point before and I'll make it even more emphatically here - there is only one person that has cracked the code of the RBTI.  His name is Challen Waychoff.  It has recently come to my attention that many people are hearing about RBTI here, googling it, and ending up on the forums of various jagoffs that have no idea what they are doing.  Fail. There is only one person in the world that has developed any degree of mastery using the Reams equation.  Accept no substitutes. 

For example, the most popular of the "RBTI" practitioners nearly killed the person that speaks in the following interview, by having her drink a bunch of water.  Water is like kryptonite to the hypoglycemic, and this is one of the worst cases of hypoglycemia imaginable - complete with daily blackouts prior to finding the really deally in Wheely. 

Anyway, Challen's program is a program designed to achieve remineralization.  And well, having a tooth start to regenerate and literally pop out a filling in only two weeks time is a pretty remarkable example of the amazing remineralizing potential of Waychoff's work.  Have a listen. 

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