Sunday 24 April 2011

Recent Neuroscience Videos: TBI, Bipolar Disorder, Autism

This will be a little different Brain Post from the traditional research summaries I have posted in the past.  Instead this post will highlight some of the best videos I have recently run across related to neuroscience topics.  Most of these videos have a brief commercial prior to a video lasting 3 to 15 minutes.

Wall Street Journal: Nutrition Important to Healing Brain Injury-A brief discussion of issues related to providing the best nutrition in soldiers suffering a war-related brain injury.

Wall Street Journal: Shedding Light on Bipolar Disorder.  A six minute overview of bipolar disorder of recent intersest with the report that Catherine Zeta-Jones suffers from the disorder.

PBS NewsHour: The first in a series on autism from former anchor Robert McNeil.  This touching video shows McNeil's grandson who has autism.  It highlights the effects of autism on siblings and other family members.

Let me know if you find this format useful.  It will not be replacing the previous format but will become an occasional post to provide readers with some of the excellent video to better understand the disorders of clinical neuroscience.

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