Friday 24 December 2010

Top Ten 2010 Brain Posts

Here's a recap of ten of the most viewed Brain Posts from 2010.  The list comes from the count totals from Clicky and Blogpost stats.

1. Perfectionism as a Risk Factor for Anorexia Perfectionism when combined with other psychological problems (low-self esteem, body dissatisfaction) increases risk for developing anorexia nervosa
2. Why People Believe Weird Things Michael Shermer, the publisher of Skeptic magazine recently presented at TED looking at why humans tend to be open to self-deception. 
3. Vitamin B and Brain Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease A group of subjects taking a vitamin B complex supplement showed a reduced rate of brain atrophy.
4. REM Sleep Latency in Autism Children with autism show reduced level of REM sleep. 
5. Do Personalities Converge After Marriage? People who get married often share similar personality features, but personalities do not appear to become more similar with time.
6. Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Adult ADHD ADHD is characterized by deficits in brain executive function.  These deficits are often not part of a diagnostic assessment. 
7. Neuroscience of Murder and Aggression, Part 1 Dr. Jim Fallon summarizes results of research into the minds of murders in a TED presentation. 
8. Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression Dr. Helen Mayberg summarizes research into the use of deep brain stimulation for depression at a NARSAD sponsored lecture. 
9. Chocolate Consumption and Depression A cross-sectional study found that people with higher depression scores tended to consume more chocolate.
10. Brain Neurocircuitry in Depression Dr. Wayne Drevets of the Laureate Institute for Brain Research summarizes research into the brain circuitry of depression.  

I want to thank the readers of Brain Posts.  It has been an exciting year in clinical neuroscience research.  I learned quite a bit through reading and posting on this blog.  Best wishes for a great 2011!

Photo of Santa Feeding Fish at the Oklahoma Aquarium Courtesy of Yates Photography.

Wade TD, Tiggemann M, Bulik CM, Fairburn CG, Wray NR, & Martin NG (2008). Shared temperament risk factors for anorexia nervosa: a twin study. Psychosomatic medicine, 70 (2), 239-44 PMID: 18158375

Krummenacher P, Mohr C, Haker H, & Brugger P (2010). Dopamine, paranormal belief, and the detection of meaningful stimuli. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 22 (8), 1670-81 PMID: 19642883

Smith, A., Smith, S., de Jager, C., Whitbread, P., Johnston, C., Agacinski, G., Oulhaj, A., Bradley, K., Jacoby, R., & Refsum, H. (2010). Homocysteine-Lowering by B Vitamins Slows the Rate of Accelerated Brain Atrophy in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial PLoS ONE, 5 (9) DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0012244

Buckley AW, Rodriguez AJ, Jennison K, Buckley J, Thurm A, Sato S, & Swedo S (2010). Rapid eye movement sleep percentage in children with autism compared with children with developmental delay and typical development. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 164 (11), 1032-7 PMID: 21041596

Humbad MN, Donnellan MB, Iacono WG, McGue M, & Burt SA (2010). Is Spousal Similarity for Personality A Matter of Convergence or Selection? Personality and individual differences, 49 (7), 827-830 PMID:21116446

Kessler RC, Green JG, Adler LA, Barkley RA, Chatterji S, Faraone SV, Finkelman M, Greenhill LL, Gruber MJ, Jewell M, Russo LJ, Sampson NA, & Van Brunt DL (2010). Structure and diagnosis of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: analysis of expanded symptom criteria from the adult ADHD clinical diagnostic scale. Archives of general psychiatry, 67 (11), 1168-78 PMID: 21041618

Mayberg HS (2009). Targeted electrode-based modulation of neural circuits for depression. The Journal of clinical investigation, 119 (4), 717-25 PMID: 19339763

Cadoret RJ, Yates WR, Troughton E, Woodworth G, & Stewart MA (1995). Genetic-environmental interaction in the genesis of aggressivity and conduct disorders. Archives of general psychiatry, 52 (11), 916-24 PMID: 7487340

Rose N, Koperski S, & Golomb BA (2010). Mood food: chocolate and depressive symptoms in a cross-sectional analysis. Archives of internal medicine, 170 (8), 699-703 PMID: 20421555

Price JL, & Drevets WC (2010). Neurocircuitry of mood disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 35 (1), 192-216 PMID: 19693001

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