Thursday 16 December 2010

Penn Thoracic Oncologist to Appear on Comcast Network

James Stevenson, MD, director of thoracic oncology at the Abramson Cancer Center at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, is scheduled to appear on Larry Kane’s “Voice of Reason.” Dr. Stevenson discusses cigarette smoking and its relationship to lung cancer, new FDA warnings on cigarette packaging, and smoking cessation on the program. The show airs at 9:30 pm, Dec. 19, and 5:30 pm, Dec. 22 at 5:30pm on Comcast Network (TCN).

At Penn Medicine, individuals diagnosed with lung cancer benefit from a full range of treatment options that offer the best chance of survival. The experts at Penn’s Center for Lung Cancer and Related Malignancies have developed some of the most sophisticated medical treatments available today, including surgical techniques to treat previously inoperable lung cancer. The expertise of Penn’s lung specialists has also helped earn Penn the highest ranking in the region from U.S.News & World Report for the treatment of respiratory disorders.

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