Friday, 5 June 2015

Bipolar Disorder Guidelines: NICE Update

Clinicians treating bipolar disorder and patients with a bipolar disorder diagnosis are aided by the availability of expert opinion guidelines.

In the last post, I reviewed a study that found decreased rates of suicidal behavior in bipolar patients treated with antidepressant drugs.

This review prompted me to look for a recent consensus update on assessment and treatment of bipolar. One recent update came from the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence or NICE. This guideline is freely available and I will post a link at the end of this blog post.

I will focus on psychopharmacology in my review but the reader is encouraged to take a look at these excellent guidelines for other details.

The recommendations from the guideline for general maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder in adults in specialty care:
  • Do not use gabapentin or topiramate
  • Antipsychotic drugs
  • Lithium therapy
  • Valproate therapy
  • Lamotrigine therapy

Recommendations for treatment of mania in specialty care:
  • If manic bipolar patient is taking antidepressant consider stopping it
  • Electroconvulsive therapy is an intervention that should be considered in those with severe and prolonged mania
  • The further treatment of mania follows the maintenance list as above: antipsychotics (haldol, olanzapine, quetiapine or risperidon), lithium, valproate and lamotrigine

Recommendations for treatment of bipolar depression in specialty care:
  • Make sure full psychological services are used as a base in treatment
  • Add fluoxetine plus olanzapine or quetiapine on it's own
  • If no response to initial antidepressant treatment consider a trial with lamotrigine

As you can see from these depression guidelines, the use of standard antidepressants in bipolar depression is not recommended. The exception to this is the use of fluoxetine (covered with olanzapine).

The full pdf guideline from NICE is 59 pages and I would encourage interested reader to go to the website and download the full guide. You can do that by clicking HERE .

Photo of baseball player Albert Pujols in spring training is from the author's files.

Follow the author on Twitter @WRY999

Kendall T, Morriss R, Mayo-Wilson E, Marcus E, & Guideline Development Group of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2014). Assessment and management of bipolar disorder: summary of updated NICE guidance. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 349 PMID: 25258392

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