Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Relieve Your Stress With Mindfulness Meditation

Get a fresh start this spring by finding new balance in your work and home life with the Penn Program for Mindfulness.

The Penn Program for Mindfulness teaches how to use meditation as the primary tool for long-term stress management. Mindfulness meditation will help you manage the physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms of stress.

This highly acclaimed eight-week course will teach you a variety of meditation techniques to help cultivate relaxation, clarity and focus in your day-to-day life. You will learn to recognize your unique reactions to stress, find more effective ways to respond to stressful situations and discover how to use your own inner resources to attain greater health and well-being.

Program Details

The Penn Program for Mindfulness courses are offered in eight locations in PA and NJ. Courses will include a two-and-a-half-hour class each week, along with one full-day mindfulness retreat on Saturday, June 7. The registration deadline is April 24. Classes begin the week of April 28.

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