Thursday 30 June 2011

Brain Posts Cracks Technorati Top Ten: Thanks!

I try to minimize self-promotion on this blog but today I'm going to do a little of that.  I started this blog nearly two years ago for personal motivation to stay current with research in the clinical neurosciences.  Blogging about recent research in clinical neuroscience kept me scanning PubMed abstracts directed to my Google Reader and kept me focused on succinctly summarizing work I felt was important.  Additionally, as I approach the end of my career, I felt a non-commercial blog might be a way give something back to my profession that has given so much to me.

Like many bloggers I follow my page views to see topics that might track more than typical interest.  I follow some of the blog ranking sites to gain perspective on Brain Posts.  This last week I was pleased to see that the Technorati algorithm ranked Brain Posts as the tenth ranked blog in the Family category and 40th in the Health category.  Technorati follows over 14,000 blogs in the Family category and over 15,000 blogs in the Health category.  I am very humbled and flattered by this recognition.

I don't understand the ranking algorithms (or their validity).  The numbers seem to jump around quickly and frequently.  But I do know that followers accessing the site and referencing the site play a key role in the rankings.  So this is really a post to thank those of you who have been visitors, commenters and post links to the site.

I plan to continue posting on clinical neuroscience research topics over the next year.  Additionally, I will be putting together some of the posts into electronic book formats.  This will involve selecting posts that might be of interest to specific reader groups.  Look for compilations of Brain Posts into eBooks formats under some of the following titles:

  • Brain Science for Physicians
  • Brain Science for Parents
  • Brain Science for Teachers

Thanks again to all!

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