Friday 31 July 2015

9 foods that help in weight loss

1 lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a very effective weight loss strategy. It not only helps in detoxifying the body but it burns fats as well.

  • Add one table spoon of lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink every morning on an empty stomach.
  • You may also add one table spoon of honey, one table spoon of lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink every morning before meals.

Do these daily for at least a month to achieve good results.

2 Natural Honey
It is advisable to replace sugar with natural honey. This is because before sugar comes to your table, it has been processed and almost all of the nutrients that once existed have been damaged. When you consume sugar daily, excess of it is stored in the liver. When the liver has exceeded its storage capacity, the excess sugar remains in your blood stream as fatty acids which are then stored in your thighs, belly and breast. On the other hand natural honey is high in nutrients that aid in fat and cholesterol metabolism hence preventing over weight.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to warm water and drink every morning.
  • You may also add one table spoon of honey, one table spoon of lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink every morning before meals.
  • If possible replace sugar with honey when drinking tea

3 Cabbage
Cabbage is an important cruciferous vegetable that aids in weight loss. This is because it contains tartaric acid that prevents the conversion of sugars and carbohydrates into fats. Cabbage also reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by the intake of too much cholesterolOther cruciferous vegetables are as beneficial as cabbage in terms of weight loss.
  • Combine a mixture of purple and red cabbage and eat either raw or half cooked. However research has shown that the best is gotten out of cabbage when it is steamed or half cooked.

4 Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is vinegar made with apple or cider. It is brownish in colour. Research has shown that apple cider vinegar prevents the accumulation of fats. It also aids metabolism and is a rich source of pectin fiber that fills your stomach for longer periods of time so you don’t get hungry too often.
  •  Dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink every morning for about a month.

5 Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is very popular when it comes to weight loss. Both folk and modern medicine recommend aloe Vera for weight loss.
  • Get 1 leave of aloe Vera and scoop out the pulp into a mug of water. Add orange juice, lemon juice or honey to it and drink in the morning. Do this for about a month for best results.

6 Ginseng
Ginseng is a plant that has many health benefits which includes weight loss. It contains the compound ginseniside that prevents cells from completing the process of storing fats. Ginseng is also known to boost metabolism and is effective for the prevention and control of diabetes.
  • Consume ginseng as tea using honey as sweetener for at least a month to achieve your weight loss goal.

 7 Green tea
Green tea acts as a detoxifier and therefore aids in weight loss by burning excess fats in the body. Green tea contains a compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that limits the absorption of fats in the body and aids the body to use fat to produce energy. This therefore prevents weight gain and obesity caused by accumulation of fat deposits.

8 Grape fruit
A study conducted in Canada showed that grapefruit aids the liver in burning excess fats in the body instead of storing it up. Grapefruit also helps in preventing diabetes.
  • Eat one grapefruit every morning before meals. If you want to lose weight fast, eat one grapefruit before every meal.

 9 Tomatoes
Tomatoes are low in calories and packed with vitamins A, C and fiber. They aid in weight loss by replacing high calorie foods. Apart from helping in weight loss, tomato is made up of anti-oxidants that help in fighting against cancer.


Thursday 30 July 2015

5 ways to lose weight naturally without taking any medication

If want to lose weight naturally, here are some natural ways that can help you achieve your goal.

1 Exercise
This is one of the surest and most proven ways to lose weight. You have to set goals and be determined to exercise your body. Make exercise your daily habit. Exercise not only makes you lose weight but it keeps you healthy, smart and active.

2 Control your diet, eating habits and appetite
In order to lose weight, you have to eat a balanced diet and learn good eating habits. Try as much as possible to avoid fast food and unhealthy foods. Excessive eating is a sure way to gain weight.
If you are trying to lose weight, try to suppress your appetite for snacks. Snacks make you eat a lot and therefore make you gain more weight.

3 limit your intake of sweet carbonated beverages
Taking excessive amounts of carbonated beverages can make you gain weight because of the calories that are found in them. Try substituting these beverages for the ones that are low in calories and fruit juice.

4 Eat more foods, vegetables and fruits that aid in weight loss
If you want to lose weight, it is necessary to eat foods, vegetables and fruits that aid in weight loss. This is because they are low in fats and bad cholesterol. They contain more vitamins and fibre and therefore they encourage weight loss.

5 Drink a lot of water
Drinking water helps in filling your stomach faster and curbs down the craving for snacks and junk food. Plus, water has no calories and helps in cleansing your system.

9 Reasons to eat Bitter Kola

Garcinia Kola which is commonly known as bitter kola has amazing health benefits which some of us are yet to discover. This tropical flowering plant is common in Cameroon, Nigeria and other parts of central and West Africa. The fruit, seed, nut and bark of the bitter kola tree has been used for long in treating and preventing diseases.

1 It relieves arthritis
Bitter kola helps to relieve arthritis by reducing swelling, inflammation, pain and increases movement around the joint.

2 Bitter kola is an anti-poison
Eating bitter kola after eating any food suspected to have bacteria will prevent infection and poison. Chew bitter kola to detoxify your system when food poisoning is suspected.

3 Treatment of cough, cold and catarrh
Chew bitter kola to relieve the symptoms of cough, could and catarrh.

4 Reduces eye pressure (glaucoma)
Bitter kola is able to reduce swelling associated with eye pressure due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

5 Helps in weight loss: bitter Kola suppresses hunger and stimulates the thirst for water and it can be used when trying to lose weight.

6 Alleviation of malaria symptoms
Studies have shown that bitter kola is able to relieve symptoms of malaria.

7 Detoxification
Bitter kola is able to cleanse the liver and entire body system especially from poisonous substances.

8 Immunity
Due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, consuming Garcinia regularly can offer immunity against some infections.

9 Lowering blood glucose levels
Some studies show that chewing bitter kola is able to reduce elevated levels of blood glucose in the body

A study conducted on rats showed that excessive consumption of bitter kola may partially block ovulation. This study was published in the Nigerian Journal of Physiological Science.

Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences, Effects of Garcinia kola seed extract on ovulation, oestrous cycle and foetal development in female Sprague-dawley rats.Vol. 20, No. 1-2, 2005, pp. 58-62

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Home Remedies for some common health problems

Way back before modern medicine was introduced in Africa, herbs and other naturally occurring plants were used for healing. Here are some few home remedies that are being used by many, mostly to prevent diseases and illnesses. However, there are some communities that have limited access to health facilities. Some individuals may not have access to health facilities because they are far away from town in their farms. This home remedies can help in case of any emergency while seeking for medical help. Always remember to tell the doctor or nurse of the medication you used. This will help them to prescribe the right medication so that no interaction occurs.

1 Fever
Boil fever grass and drink. See 5 Reasons to love fever grass

2 Malaria
Collect equal amounts of fever grass, mango leaves, orange leaves, paw paw leaves and guava leaves. Wash them with clean water and boil.
Dose:Adults should take one glass and children should take half a glass. If you find yourself very far from a hospital and you fall sick with malaria, adults should take one glass twice a day for 3 days and children should take half a glass, two times daily for 3 days.

3 Typhoid fever
Collect the following: the bark of mango tree, 1 unripe pineapple, 1 unripe paw paw, 5 limes, 5 oranges and about 5 mango leaves. Wash all of them, chop and put in a pot. Pour 2 litres of water and boil for about 2 hours.
Dose: Adults should take one glass twice a day for 5 days and children should take half a glass twice a day for 5 days.

4 Food poisoning
Food poisoning is caused by bacteria. This happens through unhygienic and or improper handling of food. This food poisoning can cause stomach ache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and general body weakness. Even though some people do not wish for this to happen, others do bring food poisoning upon themselves because they cannot control their appetite at weddings, death celebrations and other occasions. This happens as a result of eating so many different meals, one after the other.
Get half of 1 lemon, 6 level teaspoons sugar and ½ level teaspoon of salt and mix in a litre of water and drink. This will be able to relieve the passing out of watery stool caused by food poisoning
Chewing ginger and garlic will also help to relieve the symptoms of food poisoning because Ginger and Garlic will also help because they have anti-bacterial and anti-fungi properties.

5 watery stool
If you have access to a pharmacy, buy a sachet of oral re-hydration solution (ORS) and mix in a litre of water and drink.
If you don’t have access to ORS, squeeze ½ lemon, take 6 level teaspoons sugar and ½  level teaspoon of salt and mix in a litre of water and drink.

6 Burns
In cases of hot water, oil, fire or burns resulting from hot irons, immediately pour natural honey on the burn and try to rush the victim to the hospital.

Identifying natural honey: pour natural honey into a cup of water and observe. Natural honey will settle at the bottom of the cup and not dissolve easily within 30 minutes.

7 Cough, catarrh and colds
Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and natural honey and take two table spoons three times a day
Alternatively, you can grind ginger, garlic, bitter kola, honey and mix together. Take one spoon 3 times daily.

8 pimples
Get lemon cut it in the middle and use the flesh to lightly scrub and wash your face in the morning. Rinse with water. If you have aloe vera, peel and apply the juice on your face every evening.


7 Reasons to eat Garlic

Garlic is a very powerful medicinal plant that has been existing for centuries. It is used in most cuisines because of its aroma in food. Garlic is not only a kitchen spice. It has a lot to offer.

1 Garlic is a powerful antibiotic
Garlic contains a compound called allicin which kills bacteria. when eaten it could offer some immunity against bacteria infection.

2 Garlic helps to control cholesterol levels
Consuming garlic is able to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. This lowers the risk of developing heart diseases caused by bad cholesterol. Research has not yet been able to prove if garlic lowers triglycerides, another risk factor for heart disease.

3 Cough and cold
A study conducted by researchers showed that those who consumed about 2.5 grams of garlic extract per day had fewer days of sickness caused by cold.
Combining a mixture of garlic, ginger and honey is able to relieve the symptoms of cough.

4 Garlic may reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure
Consuming garlic has been shown to reduce the blood pressure of those who have high blood pressure. In order to prevent the development of high blood pressure is advisable to include garlic in food.

5 Garlic may help fight against cancer
Some studies have established a link between eating garlic and its ability to prevent certain types of cancer such as stomach and colon cancer.

6 Garlic can help in preventing hair loss
The compound called allicin is high in sulfur. This is being used as an ingredient in some hair loss products. You may make garlic into a past and rub on your scalp or mix garlic paste in olive oil and massage into your scalp.

7 Food poisoning
Fresh garlic has antibacterial properties and is able to kill some bacteria that causes food poisoning like E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus


Tuesday 28 July 2015

5 Reasons to eat Cabbage

1 weight loss
Cabbage being a fiber is low in cholesterol and saturated fats. Eating cabbage fills your stomach faster with zero calorie intake.

2 Reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by the intake of too much cholesterol
Steamed cabbage helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. When steamed, the fibre components in the cabbage are easily bound to bile acids along the alimentary canal making the bile acids easily excreted leading to a reduction in cholesterol levels in the body.
When you consume cholesterol, your liver uses it to produce bile acids which is a liquid and it is stored in the gall bladder. This bile acids helps in the absorption and digestion of fats. This process of absorption and digestion is known as emulsification. Here is the problem. When you consume foods high in fats, these bile acids are released from the gall bladder into the intestines to help make them ready for absorption by the body. However, when you eat cabbage (preferably steamed as shown by research in this case), the fiber components bind with the bile acid in the intestines and is passed out in stool. When this happens, the liver will replace the lost bile acids by using your already existing cholesterol to make more bile acids and hence reducing your cholesterol levels in the body

3 helps in the fight against cancer
Cabbage contains the compound anthocyanin which helps in the fight against cancer. Cabbage also contains sinigrin (a cabbage glucusinolate) which when consumed is converted into allyl-isothiocyanate (AITC) which has been proven by research to prevent bladder, breast, colon and prostate cancer. Raw and steamed cabbage have cancer preventive properties while overcooked cabbage have no cancer preventive properties because the over cooking has destroyed the nutrients.

4 Cabbage contains Vit C
Vitamin C helps the body to become resistant to infectious disease causing agents. Your body uses vitamin C to repair wounds and to keep your bones, cartilage and teeth healthy.

5 cabbage contains folates
Folate is a very important and essential component of DNA. This is very important because a congenital and birth defects may occur when a pregnant mother does not consume adequate amounts of folates.


7 Reasons to eat Carrots

Carrot is very popular all over the world and thanks to bugs bunny everyone is aware of how enjoyable it is to eat carrots. Despite the popularity of carrots, it is being overlooked by many nowadays. Eating one medium carrot will you with calcium (2%), vitamin K (10%), vitamin C (6%) and 210% of vitamin A, which is the average recommended amount of vitamin A to be consumed daily.

Carrots can be eaten raw or cooked but to get the most out of carrots, it should be half cooked or steamed. This is because raw carrots have tough cellular walls which makes less amounts of beta-carotene to be available to the body. However, when the carrots are half cooked, the tough cell walls are broken. This process releases beta-carotene. If carrots are overcooked almost all of the nutrients will be damaged.

1 improves eye sight
Carrot is made up of beta-carotene which gives it its color. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the liver. This vitamin A is later converted in the retina into a pigment called rhodopsin which aids in night vision.

2 anti-cancer benefits
The consumption of is able to reduce the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. Researchers have discovered a compound in carrot by name falcarinol which is believed to have anticancer properties.

3 lower risk of heart disease
Research has shown that eating carrots lowers a person’s risk of developing coronary heart disease by 32% (BJN, 2011). Another similar research was conducted by Oude et al for over a period of 10 years. This research focused on the color of fruit and vegetables and 10 year incidence of coronary heart disease. The color of foods under study were white, red/purple, orange/yellow and green. By the end of this study foods colored with orange/yellow were found to be the most protective against CHD and carrots were found to be the most effective. This study showed that foods that are high in carotenoids are able to reduce the risk of hearth disease.

4 Anti-aging benefits
Consuming carrots helps to slow down the aging of cells. This is because carrots contain high amounts of beta-carotene which acts as an antioxidant to cells when damaged through the process of metabolism.

5 Healthy skin
Carrots contain high levels of vitamin A. This vitamin A protects our skin from being damaged by the sun. Consuming vitamin A will prevent uneven skin tone, dry skin, premature wrinkling and blemishes. Consuming vitamin A makes the skin, hair and nails to be moist and healthy. Carrot extract is also used in some body lotions because it nourishes the skin. Some facial masks are made with carrots and honey.

6 Detoxifies the body
The vitamin A gotten from eating carrots help the liver to secret bile and flush toxins out of the body. The fibre found in carrots also helps to cleanse the digestive tract.

7 Reduces the risk of stroke
A study conducted in Harvard University showed that people who eat more than five carrots a week have a reduced risk of stroke than those who eat about one carrot a month.


Oude L.M., Monique Verschuren W.M., Kromhout D. et al. Colours of fruit and vegetables and 10 year incidence of coronary heart disease. British Journal of Nutrition, 2011

Monday 27 July 2015

Miracle working churches versus Hospitals when faced with Diseases

We live in a time of miracles, signs and wonders. The bill boards, flyers, adverts, radio and TV all litter colourful images depicting how the church is able to heal all your diseases and infirmities. It is no doubt that God is behind “some” of these signs and wonders. 

In Cameroon, majority of the population knows that in the case of any chronic disease, the church offers healing. However this is becoming a conflict, doctors and nurses versus prophets and miracle workers. The doctors and nurses are mad at some prophets and miracle workers because they feel that they are misleading the population and preventing Christians from seeking medical help in time because they want their Christians to prove their faith. On the other hand, some prophets and men of God look upon doctors and nurses as people who kill the faith of their Christians. However, it is good to examine this from a Christian point of view. Even Jesus Christ said give to ceaser what belongs to ceasar and give to God what belongs to God. When God made man, he put in place rules and regulations to live by. You need to know when to use your faith in healing and when to seek help from a health professional.

God is the one who put nurses and Doctors in place and he gave them the knowledge to be able to achieve success in their profession. Everything on earth is caused. Even accidents are caused. Likewise, diseases are caused. So where does God step in? It is important to know the causes of diseases because it is in so doing that you will know where to go for a cure.

This philosophy purported by some men of God that Christians should never visit a hospital because it will show they lack faith or that all diseases can be healed in church has given Christians the liberty to lead an unhealthy life knowing they will show up in church and get a cure for everything. But life doesn’t work that way. There are some people who are dying and yet they refuse to take drugs, waiting for God to heal them. Some men of God get ill. They are human beings too. But some of them stand on their pulpits and tell their Christians that for the past 20 years they have never had a cold. However, it is not easy to understand the ways of God and his mysteries. He may heal someone with a fibroid but you who has headache will need to get treated with medication.

What all men of God need to do is that they have to teach their Christians how to take care of their health in addition to the faith principles they teach. Diseases are treated according to their cause. A disease caused by witchcraft can never be cured in a hospital. That is where the church should step in. However, a disease caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, poor living and eating habits might not necessarily be healed in church. Unless you treat it from the cause, it may be a waste of time and energy. Understanding the causes of diseases is very important in understanding how to prevent it or treat it. 

7 things to do when bitten by a snake

What will you do if someone around you gets bitten by a snake?
  1.  I will  suck the poison out of the snake bite mark and spit it out very fast.
  2. I will enlarge or scratch the bite marks and allow it to bleed so that the poison will be passed out.
  3. If the bite is on the leg or hand, I will tie the affected limb hard enough so that the poison will not circulate round the body and remain around the snake bite.
  4. If the bite is on the head, I will tie the neck but not tie it firmly enough to cause strangulation.
  5.  I will urinate and pour the urine on the snake bite.
  6. I will remove serumen (ear wax) from my ear and rub on the snake bite wound.
  7. I will look for bitter leaf and squeeze the juice on the snake bite mark so that the bitter leaf will absorb the poison.
  8. I will look for bitter leaf and squeeze the juice on the bite mark to weaken the poison.
  9. I will look for African panacea and apply on the snake bite and lick some.
  10.  I will try to catch and kill the snake.
  11.  I will call for a priest, pastor or prophet to pray over the snake bite especially if it is poisonous.

The knowledge of snake bite is very important, especially to us in Cameroon and africa who are surrounded by bushes. Knowing what to do in case of a snake bite could save a life. Not all snakes are poisonous but until you establish whether the snake is poisonous or not, treat all snake bites as emergencies. 

It is important to note that some snake bites will produce a local effect, whether they are poisonous or not.When someone is bitten by a viper or some cobras, it may be very painful and sometimes the area can bleed, blister and may swell just within five minutes of the bite. If the area of the bite begins to swell and change colour, the snake might be venomous. Viper bites are poisonous and the person may become weak and as time passes, they person may become hypotensive, get into a shock, and in some cases respiratory failure may result.

The answers to the above 11 questions are all false. This is because if a poisonous snake bites you, you will need to get to a hospital or poison centre to receive antivenin. A snake bite is not a bacterial of viral infection so no one should sell any product to you claiming it cures snake bites.

What to do in case of a snake bite
  1. If you are far away, call for help either from a hospital or for someone who can help with a fast means of transport to the hospital. Make sure the person is calm, remember most snake bites are not poisonous. Try to minimize movements too.
  2. Remove all tight clothing and things such as bracelets watches and rings around the area that has been bitten. This is to prevent constriction of vessels if the area swells.
  3. Apply a pressure to the bitten limb and if the bite is to the head, neck or trunk, apply pressure to these areas. You may also splint the bitten limb to restrict movement. If you can mark the area of the bite then do so.  
  4. If possible, let the person lie down with the bitten limb at the level of the body. Raising the bitten limb can cause the venom spread quickly around the body and lowering the affected limb can increase swelling.
  5. Try to remember the shape, length and color of the snake. This will help the medical personnel to determine whether you were beaten by a poisonous or non-poisonous snake.
  6. Arrange for the person to be transported to the hospital where the anti-venom for the snakes available in that area will be administered to him. This is the most important thing to do when a person is bitten by a poisonous snake.
  7. Do not leave the person alone. Closely monitor the person and take note of his temperature, respiratory rate, pulse and blood pressure if possible. If you observe signs of shock (such as paleness, cold clammy skin, sweating, rapid shallow breathing and or weakness) lay the person flat, raise the feet of the person and cover him with a blanket if possible and get medical help as soon as possible.

What not to do in case of a snake bite
When someone is bitten by a snake in addition to the 11 questions asked above, DO NOT:
  • Try to suck the venom out of the bite.
  • Cut the bite area to let the venom come out through bleeding.
  • Apply anything to the bite, such as concoctions, ice, heat or chemicals.
  • Apply anything too tight around the bite area to stop the venom from spreading. This can cause swelling and even if the snake was not poisonous, applying a tourniquet can damage the limb and cause it to become gangrenous leading to amputation of the limb.


7 different ways to use Ginger

Ginger, also known as Luya is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale. Throughout history, ginger has been known for its medicinal properties. Ginger can be used naturally at home in the following ways: 

1 use ginger in cases of cough and cold

Due to its anti-bacterial and anti fungal properties, ginger can relieve cough, bronchitis and catarrh. In case of any of the above conditions;
·        Grind ginger until it is a paste. Put one teaspoon in a teacup and pour hot water into it. Sieve and drink. Take one teacup every morning and evening. The procedure is still the same for powdered ginger.
·        Mix ginger juice/powder and honey in the ratio of 1:1 (one spoon of ginger juice and one spoon of honey) and take one large spoon morning and evening to alleviate cough.

2 Ginger may help relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling and pain. Ginger has been used to relieve pain caused by inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.

3. Control of blood sugar levels
Consumption of ginger has been shown to control diabetes by reducing the blood sugar levels in the body.

4 Reduces the risk disease of the cardiovascular system
When ginger is consumed, it has the ability to decrease the activity of platelet-activating factor (PAF) which causes platelets to clot. Therefore a decreased PAF will reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack caused by the obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot.

5 kills bacteria, fungi and parasites
Ginger is able to kill and dissolve parasites and their eggs along the digestive tract. This is because ginger contains a chemical called zingibain which is responsible for killing these parasites.
Furthermore, Gingerol, a bioactive substance in ginger is effective against bacteria and can lower the risk of infections.
In order to achieve this, you may choose to chew raw ginger or include ginger as a spice when preparing food.

6 Nausea, vomiting and motion sickness
Ginger is very effective in treating nausea and vomiting especially those caused by motion sickness. This is especially helpful for pregnant women who feel nauseated during pregnancy. But it is important to consult with your health care provider if you are pregnant because it may interfere with certain medications.

7 Menstrual pain
Taking ginger is able to reduce menstrual pain in women when taken during menstruation. Some researchers have compared ginger to ibuprofen.

 Preparing ginger tincture
In order to save time required in preparing ginger juice every day, a tincture may be another option for buzzy people. Tincture is also required if you want to store ginger juice and you don’t have a fridge or refrigerator. Tincture is a more concentrated form of ginger juice. Here is how to prepare ginger tincture:

·        Mix 200 grams of powdered ginger or 300 grams of fresh ginger paste for every litre you wish to prepare.

·        Mix the ginger with one litre of vinegar in a glass jar (empty mayonnaise container if you wish) and allow it to set. Make sure it is air tight.

·        Keep the jar in a cool and dark place for two weeks while shaking the jar every day.

·        Filter the tincture with a good sieve and transfer it to a bottle.

·        This tincture may now be taken with tea or in any desired form.

The anticoagulant property of ginger that prevents blood clot may affect persons who are undergoing blood coagulant therapy and surgery.

·        Excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal upset.

·        Persons who are on diabetic medication should avoid ginger. Diabetic medications lowers blood sugar levels so combining it with ginger might cause the blood sugar levels to be too low and may result in hypoglycemia

“luya use in Herbal medicine, benefits and side effects” available at