Thursday 30 April 2015

What about the sugars in breast milk?

Something that nearly always comes up when we talk about babies naturally being in ketosis is the fact that breast milk contains sugars — as much as 40% [1].

Some people have even argued with us that therefore babies are not in ketosis!

That objection is, of course, reasoning backwards — objecting to a fact because it doesn't fit a theory. That healthy, breastfed babies live in a state of ketosis and use the ketogenic metabolism for energy and growth is not a hypothesis; it is an empirical fact. See our article on ketogenic babies for details.

However, the fact that babies are in ketosis even while consuming a diet relatively high in carbohydrates does pose a mystery that deserves investigation. In this article, we're going to suggest one possible explanation for the mystery, but remember that this possible explanation is just a hypothesis, until someone does an experiment to test it.

In brief

We can't conclude, just because breast milk has a relatively high proportion of carbohydrates, that babies are burning a lot of carbohydrates for fuel.

  • Breast milk is full of components that are good for building brains. Infancy is a period of intense brain growth.
  • The sugars in breast milk are mostly from lactose, with small amounts in the form of oligosaccharides. Both lactose and oligosaccharides are replete with components that are crucial building blocks of brains.
  • In addition to providing materials for growing brains, other non-fuel functions of at least oligosaccharides include serving as prebiotics and fighting infection.
  • Insofar as some parts of the milk are being used for other purposes, they can't also be used as fuel.

Therefore, a plausible explanation for how babies are in ketosis while consuming a relatively high-carbohydrate food, is that those carbohydrates are not being used as fuel, but rather as building blocks for the brain, and to a lesser extent, feeding gut bacteria, and fighting infections.


Most of the carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose, which is broken down by digestion into glucose and galactose. Galactose is an important component of some glycoproteins and glycolipids, including cerebrosides — glycolipids in the brain and nervous system. Cerebrosides made of galactose are a major component of brain tissue [2]. They are also such a large component of myelin that cerebroside synthesis has been used as a measure of myelination or remyelination [2].

It is therefore plausible that much of the galactose in breast milk is used for brain tissue and myelin synthesis [3]. In fact, glucose is itself also used for making glycolipids for brain tissue [4], [5], although ketone bodies seem to be preferred [6], [7].


After lactose and fat, oligosaccharides are the largest component of breast milk [8]. Oligosaccharides are unique to human breast milk — other animals produce almost no oligosaccharides in their milk [9].

Oligosaccharides are thought not to function as fuel. Some have been shown to have a prebiotic role [10], [11]. Much of the oligosaccharides pass completely through the infant's digestive tract, and probably have an immune system function [12], [13]. Oligosaccharides also contain sialic acid [14], an important component in the brain used for cell-to-cell interactions, neuronal outgrowth, modifying synaptic connectivity, and memory formation [15].

Bottom line

The main point to take from all this is that many of the components of breast milk that one might presume to be used as “calories” are actually being used for other things, especially to make brains with. That includes glucose, galactose, proteins, fats, and even ketone bodies.

This could explain the fact that infants are in mild ketosis while breastfed, even though breast milk has higher carbohydrates than would support a ketogenic metabolism in an adult.



Calculating the macronutrients in breast milk is made very complex by not only the variation among individuals but diurnal variations, and variations over longer periods of time. It is a huge simplification to report a single value for the amount of some component of breast milk:

Whitehead RG.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1985 Feb;41(2 Suppl):447-58.

“It should be recognized, however, that we have all been guilty of adopting an oversimplified approach insofar as relating energy needs to milk volumes is concerned. The energy composition of milk is not the constant factor we have all tacitly assumed. Fat is the major energy-donating component and its concentrations vary considerably. At the beginning of each feed, from either breast, the fat content of the milk the baby receives is low, the exact level being determined by the extent to which that breast was emptied during the previous fed. As the baby feeds, fat content then rises by an amount that can be as much as 3-4-fold but the extent is very variable. There is also evidence that average fat levels vary at different times during the day in a cyclical manner. Even after one has taken account of these variables, it is still apparent that individual women have characteristically different fat concentrations in their breast milk. These complications have been extensively studied by Prentice in rural Gambian women (8, 9), and for the purpose of calculating breast milk requirements, they are almost impossible to untangle.”

Nonetheless, the standard reported amount of carbohydrate is 38―41%:

Olivia Ballard, JD, PhD (candidate) and Ardythe L. Morrow, PhD, MSc
Pediatr Clin North Am. Feb 2013; 60(1): 49–74.

From Wikipedia:

“Galactosylceramide is the principal glycosphingolipid in brain tissue. Galactosylceramides are present in all nervous tissues, and can compose up to 2% dry weight of grey matter and 12% of white matter. They are major constituents of oligodendrocytes.”

“Monogalactosylceramide is the largest single component of the myelin sheath of nerves. Cerebroside synthesis can therefore give a measurement of myelin formation or remyelination.”


I first heard this idea from this blog post: What can we learn from breast milk? Part 1: Macronutrients

“…the carbohydrate source is lactose, made of glucose and galactose. Now galactose is very special, it's not used as an energy fuel like glucose, it's used for myelin synthesis (that is making nerve insulation), this is why human breast milk is so high in lactose, for the galactose! So that ~15% becomes ~7% of calories coming from carbs for an adult (~38g @ 2000 calories).”


Evidence type: review

Edmond J.
Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1992;70 Suppl:S118-29.

“Many studies in the decade, 1970-1980, in human infants and in the rat pup model show that both glucose and the ketone bodies, acetoacetate and D-(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate, are taken up by brain and used for energy production and as carbon sources for lipogenesis. Products of fat metabolism, free fatty acids, ketone bodies, and glycerol dominate metabolic pools in early development as a consequence of the milk diet. This recognition of a distinctive metabolic environment from the well-fed adult was taken into consideration within the last decade when methods became available to obtain and study each of the major cell populations, neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes in near homogeneous state in primary cultures. Studies on these cells made it possible to examine the distinctive metabolic properties and capabilities of each cell population to oxidize the metabolites that are available in development. Studies by many investigators on these cell populations show that all three can use glucose and the ketone bodies in respiration and for lipogenesis.”


Evidence type: non-human animal experiment

“The incorporation of 14C-label from subcutaneously injected [3-14C]acetoacetate and [U-14C]glucose into phospholipids and sphingolipids in different regions of developing rat brain was determined. In all regions, phosphatidylcholine was the lipid synthesized most readily from either substrate. The percentages of radioactivity in other phospholipids and most sphingolipids remained relatively constant throughout postnatal development. An exceptional increase in the percentage of radioactivity incorporated into cerebroside, coinciding with a decrease of incorporation into phosphatidylcholine, was first noted on day 12 and continued until a maximal level was reached between days 18 and 20 of postnatal age. These developmental changes in preferential synthesis of lipids were associated with increased demands for phospholipids and cerebroside during the early and late postnatal stages, respectively. There was no difference in accumulation of radioactivity from acetoacetate, expressed as dpm of [14C]acetoacetate recovered in phospholipids plus sphingolipids per g of tissue, among all brain regions during the first 5 days of life. During active myelination (12 to 20 days of age); however, the amount of 14C-label was highest in brain stem, ranging from 1.9- to 2.3-fold greater than values for cerebrum and thalamus. The region with the next highest accumulation was cerebellum, followed by midbrain. During the same period, brain stem was likewise the most active site of accumulation of radioactivity from 14C-labeled glucose. Higher amounts of [14C]acetoacetate label accumulated in lipids of brain stem and cerebellum, relative to midbrain, thalamus, and cerebrum, coincide with evidence that active myelination begins in the hindbrain and proceeds rostrally toward the forebrain. Ketone bodies could therefore serve as a potential source of phospholipids and sphingolipids for brain growth and maturation.”


Evidence type: non-human animal experiment

(Emphasis ours)

“Persistent mild hyperketonemia is a common finding in neonatal rats and human newborns, but the physiological significance of elevated plasma ketone concentrations remains poorly understood. Recent advances in ketone metabolism clearly indicate that these compounds serve as an indispensable source of energy for extrahepatic tissues, especially the brain and lung of developing rats. Another important function of ketone bodies is to provide acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA for synthesis of cholesterol, fatty acids, and complex lipids. During the early postnatal period, acetoacetate (AcAc) and beta-hydroxybutyrate are preferred over glucose as substrates for synthesis of phospholipids and sphingolipids in accord with requirements for brain growth and myelination. Thus, during the first 2 wk of postnatal development, when the accumulation of cholesterol and phospholipids accelerates, the proportion of ketone bodies incorporated into these lipids increases. On the other hand, an increased proportion of ketone bodies is utilized for cerebroside synthesis during the period of active myelination. In the lung, AcAc serves better than glucose as a precursor for the synthesis of lung phospholipids. The synthesized lipids, particularly dipalmityl phosphatidylcholine, are incorporated into surfactant, and thus have a potential role in supplying adequate surfactant lipids to maintain lung function during the early days of life. Our studies further demonstrate that ketone bodies and glucose could play complementary roles in the synthesis of lung lipids by providing fatty acid and glycerol moieties of phospholipids, respectively. The preferential selection of AcAc for lipid synthesis in brain, as well as lung, stems in part from the active cytoplasmic pathway for generation of acetyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA from the ketone via the actions of cytoplasmic acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase and thiolase.”


Evidence type: non-human animal experiment

Edmond J, Auestad N, Robbins RA, Bergstrom JD.
Fed Proc. 1985 Apr;44(7):2359-64.

(Emphasis ours)

“In the course of mammalian development milk has evolved with unique characteristics as has the capacity of the neonatal rat to process this nutrient source. The primary carbon source in milk is fat, which provides two readily utilized metabolites, acetoacetate and D(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate (ketone bodies), as well as free fatty acids and glycerol. Carbohydrate provides less than 12% of the caloric content of rat milk and glucose has to be produced by the suckling rat to maintain glucose homeostasis. One would predict that glucose would be used sparingly and in pathways that cannot be satisfied by other readily available metabolites. Studies of the uptake of metabolites and the development of key enzymes for the utilization of glucose and ketone bodies by developing brain support the concept that ketone bodies are preferred substrates for the supply of carbon to respiration and lipogenesis. Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons from developing brain all have an excellent capacity to use ketone bodies for respiration. By contrast, glucose is utilized preferentially in the hexose monophosphate shunt by all three cell populations. We are examining the requirement for ketone bodies by developing brain with the application of a system to rear rat pups artificially on a milk substitute that promotes a hypoketonemia.”


Evidence type: review

(Emphasis ours)

“Breast-feeding is the optimal mode of feeding for the normal full-term infant. Human milk composition knowledge has been basis for recommended dietary allowances for infants. Few studies about human milk carbohydrates have been done until the last decade. However, carbohydrates provide approximately 40-50% of the total energy content of breast milk. Quantitatively oligosaccharides are the third largest solute in human milk after lactose and fat. Each individual oligosaccharide is based on a variable combination of glucose, galactose, sialic acid, fucose and N-acetylglucosamine with many and varied linkages between them, thus accounting for the enormous number of different oligosaccharides in human milk. The oligosaccharides content in human milk varies with the duration of lactation, diurnally and with the genetic makeup of the mother. At present, a great interest in the roles of human milk oligosaccharides is raising. They act as a the soluble fibre in breast milk and their structure is available to act as competitive ligands protecting the breast-fed infant from pathogens and act as well as prebiotic. They may also act as source of sialic acid and galactose, essential for brain development. This is why today there is an increasing health and industrial interest in human milk oligosaccharides content, with the main purpose of incorporating them as new ingredients in infant nutrition.”


Evidence type: review

McVeagh P1, Miller JB.
J Paediatr Child Health. 1997 Aug;33(4):281-6.


"Over 100 years ago it was first deduced that a major component of human milk must be an unidentified carbohydrate that was not found in cows milk. At first this was thought to be a form of lactose and was called gynolactose. We now know that this was not a single carbohydrate but a complex mixture of approximately 130 different oligosaccharides. Although small amounts of a few oligosaccharides have been found in the milk of other mammals, this rich diversity of sugars is unique to human milk. The oligosaccharide content of human milk varies with the infant's gestation, the duration of lactation, diurnally and with the genetic makeup of the mother. Milk oligosaccharides have a number of functions that may protect the health of the breast fed infant. As they are not digested in the small intestine, they form the 'soluble' fibre of breast milk and their intact structure is available to act as competitive ligands protecting the breast-fed infant from pathogens. There is a growing list of pathogens for which a specific oligosaccharide ligand has been described in human milk. They are likely to form the model for future therapeutic and prophylactic anti-microbials. They provide substrates for bacteria in the infant colon and thereby contribute to the difference in faecal pH and faecal flora between breast and formula-fed infants. They may also be important as a source of sialic acid, essential for brain development."


Evidence type: review

Coppa GV, Bruni S, Morelli L, Soldi S, Gabrielli O.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2004 Jul;38(6 Suppl):S80-3.

“The development of intestinal microflora in newborns is strictly related to the kind of feeding. Breast-fed infants, unlike the bottle-fed ones, have an intestinal ecosystem characterized by a strong prevalence of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Data available so far in the literature show that, among the numerous substances present in human milk, oligosaccharides have a clear prebiotic effect. They are quantitatively one of the main components of human milk and are only partially digested in the small intestine, so they reach the colon, where they stimulate selectively the development of bifidogenic flora. Such results have been recently proved both by characterization of oligosaccharides in breast-fed infant feces and by the study of intestinal microflora using new techniques of molecular analysis, confirming that human milk oligosaccharides represent the first prebiotics in humans.”


Evidence type: review

Coppa GV, Zampini L, Galeazzi T, Gabrielli O.
Dig Liver Dis. 2006 Dec;38 Suppl 2:S291-4.

“The microbic colonization of human intestine begins at birth, when from a sterile state the newborn is exposed to an external environment rich in various bacterial species. The kind of delivery has an important influence on the composition of the intestinal flora in the first days of life. Thereafter, the microflora is mainly influenced by the kind of feeding: breast-fed infants show a predominance of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, whereas bottle-fed infants develop a mixed flora with a lower number of bifidobacteria. The “bifidogenic effect” of human milk is not related to a single growth-promoting substance, but rather to a complex of interacting factors. In particular the prebiotic effect has been ascribed to the low concentration of proteins and phosphates, the presence of lactoferrin, lactose, nucleotides and oligosaccharides. The real prebiotic role of each of these substances is not yet clearly defined, with the exception of oligosaccharides which undoubtedly promote a bifidobacteria-dominant microflora.”


Evidence type: review

McVeagh P, Miller JB.
J Paediatr Child Health. 1997 Aug;33(4):281-6.

(Emphasis ours)

“Over 100 years ago it was first deduced that a major component of human milk must be an unidentified carbohydrate that was not found in cows milk. At first this was thought to be a form of lactose and was called gynolactose. We now know that this was not a single carbohydrate but a complex mixture of approximately 130 different oligosaccharides. Although small amounts of a few oligosaccharides have been found in the milk of other mammals, this rich diversity of sugars is unique to human milk. The oligosaccharide content of human milk varies with the infant's gestation, the duration of lactation, diurnally and with the genetic makeup of the mother. Milk oligosaccharides have a number of functions that may protect the health of the breast fed infant. As they are not digested in the small intestine, they form the 'soluble' fibre of breast milk and their intact structure is available to act as competitive ligands protecting the breast-fed infant from pathogens. There is a growing list of pathogens for which a specific oligosaccharide ligand has been described in human milk. They are likely to form the model for future therapeutic and prophylactic anti-microbials. They provide substrates for bacteria in the infant colon and thereby contribute to the difference in faecal pH and faecal flora between breast and formula-fed infants. They may also be important as a source of sialic acid, essential for brain development.”


Evidence type: experiment

Survival of human milk oligosaccharides in the intestine of infants.
Chaturvedi P, Warren CD, Buescher CR, Pickering LK, Newburg DS.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 2001;501:315-23.

(Emphasis ours)

“Several human milk oligosaccharides inhibit human pathogens in vitro and in animal models. In an infant, the ability of these oligosaccharides to offer protection from enteric pathogens would require that they withstand structural modification as they pass through the alimentary canal or are absorbed and excreted in urine. We investigated the fate of human milk oligosaccharides during transit through the alimentary canal by determining the degree to which breast-fed infants' urine and fecal oligosaccharides resembled those of their mothers' milk. Oligosaccharide profiles of milk from 16 breast-feeding mothers were compared with profiles of stool and urine from their infants. Results were compared with endogenous oligosaccharide profiles obtained from the urine and feces of age-, parity-, and gender-matched formula-fed infants. […] Among breast-fed infants, concentrations of oligosaccharides were higher in feces than in mothers' milk, and much higher in feces than in urine. Urinary and fecal oligosaccharides from breast-fed infants resembled those in their mothers' milk. Those from formula-fed infants did not resemble human milk oligosaccharides, were found at much lower concentrations, and probably resulted from remodeling of intestinal glycoconjugates or from intestinal bacteria. Most of the human milk oligosaccharides survived transit through the gut, and some were absorbed and then excreted into the urine intact, implying that inhibition of intestinal and urinary pathogens by human milk oligosaccharides is quite likely in breast-fed infants.”


Evidence type: experiment

Nakano T1, Sugawara M, Kawakami H.
Acta Paediatr Taiwan. 2001 Jan-Feb;42(1):11-7.

“Breast milk is the best nutrient source for infants. It contains all elements needed for a normal growth and development of infants. Human milk contains a large amount of sialic acid compared with bovine milk. Sialic acid contained in oligosaccharides, glycolipids and glycoproteins in milk is considered to play important roles in physiological functions in infancy. Thus, we have investigated the sialic acid composition and the functions of sialylated compounds in human milk. Sialic acids comprise a family of neuraminic acid derivatives present in secretions, fluids and tissues of mammals. In milk, sialic acid is present in different sialoglycoconjugate compounds such as oligosaccharides, glycolipids and glycoproteins, not in a free form. Human milk contains 0.3-1.5 mg/ml of sialic acid. Sialic acid bound to oligosaccharides accounts for about 75% of the total sialic acid contained in human milk. Most of the sialic acid contained in human milk is found in the form of sialyllactose, an oligosaccharide formed from lactose and sialic acid. In milk, gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycolipid, occur mainly as monosialoganglioside 3 (GM3) and disialoganglioside 3 (GD3). The concentration of GM3 in human milk increases, while that of GD3 concentration decreases during lactation. Because the brain and central nervous system contain considerable level of sialic acid in infancy, it is considered to play important roles on the expression and development of their functions. Moreover, we found that some sialylated compounds had inhibited the adhesion of toxins, bacteria and viruses to the receptors on the surface of epithelial cells. Additionally, we found that some sialylated compounds had growth-promoting effects on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, predominantly present in the intestinal flora of infants fed with human milk. The results suggested that sialylated compounds in human milk possibly behaved as a physiological component in the intestinal tract of infants to protect them against enteric infections.”


Evidence type: review

Wang B.
Annu Rev Nutr. 2009;29:177-222. doi: 10.1146/annurev.nutr.28.061807.155515.

“The rapid growth of infant brains places an exceptionally high demand on the supply of nutrients from the diet, particularly for preterm infants. Sialic acid (Sia) is an essential component of brain gangliosides and the polysialic acid (polySia) chains that modify neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM). Sia levels are high in human breast milk, predominately as N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac). In contrast, infant formulas contain a low level of Sia consisting of both Neu5Ac and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). Neu5Gc is implicated in some human inflammatory diseases. Brain gangliosides and polysialylated NCAM play crucial roles in cell-to-cell interactions, neuronal outgrowth, modifying synaptic connectivity, and memory formation. In piglets, a diet rich in Sia increases the level of brain Sia and the expression of two learning-related genes and enhances learning and memory. The purpose of this review is to summarize the evidence showing the importance of dietary Sia as an essential nutrient for brain development and cognition.”

Bupropion: A Non-stimulant ADHD Drug Treatment

Stimulant drugs including dextroamphetamine (Adderall) and methylphenidate (Ritalin) remain among the most common and effective drug treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Alternative to stimulant drugs are needed to expand treatment options for clinicians and patients.

One problem with the stimulants is the potential for misuse and diversion of prescription drugs to illicit drug use.

One non-stimulant FDA approved drug (atomoxetine/Strattera) is available in the U.S.

An additional drug of interest for treatment of ADHD is the antidepressant drug bupropion (Wellbutrin). Bupropion is not a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor like the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. It appears to target other neurotransmitters like dopamine that may be more relevant in the pathophysiology of ADHD.

Bupropion has not received full clinical trial attention and is not an FDA approved drug in the U.S. Nevertheless, there is some research suggesting it may be useful in ADHD.

A recent study from Iran summarized the results of a randomized, double-blind trial of bupropion in 42 adults with ADHD.

This study found the following results:

  • A statistically superior reduction in ADHD symptoms for bupropion vs controls (-43% v -18%)
  • The most common side effects with bupropion were agitation, fatigue, somnolence and anxiety
  • Side effect frequency in the bupropion group was not statistically different than in the control group although small sample size may have contributed to reduced power to find a difference (type II error)

The authors note that the maximum dose of bupropion in their study was only 150 mg per day. Doses as high as 300 mg per day are common for the treatment of depression. If tolerated, higher doses may be able to further reduce symptoms of ADHD.

A recent meta-analysis examined the efficacy and acceptability of four drugs including bupropion for ADHD in children and adolescents.

This study found bupropion to have lower efficacy compared to the standard stimulant drugs in ADHD.

Nevertheless, bupropion may have some clinical utility for ADHD in adults. Bupropion is approved for smoking cessation and major depression. Adult smokers with ADHD or depressed adults with ADHD may benefit from a drug trial of bupropion.

As noted, bupropion has not been approved by the FDA for ADHD. Any use of this drug for ADHD is off-label. Drug selection and treatment for ADHD requires assessment by a qualified medical professional along with clinical monitoring for safety and efficacy.

Readers with more interest in the two studies discussed in this post can find access to the abstracts by clicking on the PMID links in the citations below.

Photo of the Salzburg Castle is from the author's files.

Follow the author on Twitter @WRY999

Hamedi M, Mohammdi M, Ghaleiha A, Keshavarzi Z, Jafarnia M, Keramatfar R, Alikhani R, Ehyaii A, & Akhondzadeh S (2014). Bupropion in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a randomized, double-blind study. Acta medica Iranica, 52 (9), 675-80 PMID: 25325205 

Stuhec M, Munda B, Svab V, & Locatelli I (2015). Comparative efficacy and acceptability of atomoxetine, lisdexamfetamine, bupropion and methylphenidate in treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis with focus on bupropion. Journal of affective disorders, 178, 149-159 PMID: 25813457

Monday 27 April 2015

ADHD and Vehicular Accident Risk

Attention and impulsive behaviors found in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can contribute to accident risk in children and adults.

A recent study of adult drivers in France provides evidence for increased accident risk in adults with ADHD.

Researchers at the Bordeaux University Hospital interviewed a series of adult drivers seen in the emergency department following a road traffic crash.

A total of 777 eligible subjects completed assessments of accident information, distraction exposure and presence of ADHD, depression or anxiety disorders.

The key findings from this study including the following:

  • 67 of the subjects (8.6%) were assigned to the ADHD category
  • Presence of a depressive or anxiety disorder did not appear to be linked to risk for responsibility of a crash
  • Presence of a distraction contributed to accident risk
  • Presence of ADHD increased accident risk approximately two fold (Odds ratio = 2.18)
  • Presence of both ADHD and a distraction exposure increased accident risk four fold (Odds ratio=4.37)

The authors found that in the ADHD case group, use of ADHD medication was extremely rare. They note that this may be due to the underdiagnosis of ADHD in adults in France and in many other European countries.

In the discussion section the authors point out:
"Improved screening and diagnosis of ADHD in adults would enable adoption of care strategies that focus on reducing attention impairment and improving cognitive performance. These strategies, which may also include road safety awareness messages, are likely to reduce the risk of road crashes in patients with ADHD."
This study in an important addition to the literature of ADHD and accident risk. It supports continued impairment for ADHD in some adults.

Readers with more interest in this study can access the free full-text manuscript by clicking on the PMID link in the citation below.

Walkers at sunset photo is from the author's files.

Follow the author on Twitter WRY999

El Farouki K, Lagarde E, Orriols L, Bouvard MP, Contrand B, & Galéra C (2014). The increased risk of road crashes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adult drivers: driven by distraction? Results from a responsibility case-control study. PloS one, 9 (12) PMID: 25536069

Thursday 23 April 2015

ADHD Reading Links: Crashes, Smoking and Drugs

I will be finishing up the April Brain Posts focus on ADHD next week. 

Looking over nearly 300 research abstracts in ADHD published over the last year, five caught my attention.

Here are the five that I will review over the weekend.

I post a more detailed analysis on two of the manuscripts next week.

All reading links include a link to the free full-text manuscript for readers with more interest in a specific topic. Click on the title to be directed to the manuscript.

Risk of Road Crashes in Adult ADHD Drivers

This study examined 777 adult drivers in France who were involved in a road crash. The authors found a diagnosis of ADHD doubled risk for a crash (Odds ratio 2.18) and when ADHD combined with an external distraction the risk was elevated nearly 5-fold (Odds ratio 5.79)

Risk of nicotine use in ADHD

Adolescents with ADHD have higher rates of alcohol, illicit drug use and nicotine use and dependence. However, this association is complex and may relate to higher rates of other disorder in ADHD that drive substance use risk. In this study, adolescents with pure or ADHD only phenotypes did not have increase use of tobacco. Adolescents with ADHD and another disorder (oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder) comprised 75% of the sample. This ADHD plus comorbidity group had a 50 % increase in tobacco use compared to controls.

Bupropion in the treatment of adults with ADHD

Stimulants such as methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine form the key drug category in the treatment of ADHD. Non-addictive, non-scheduled drugs are needed to expand clinician treatment options, particularly in populations at risk for drug misuse. Bupropion (a non-addictive antidepressant) has shown some promise in this area. In this manuscript from an Iranian research group, 150 mg of bupropion was superior to placebo in a group of adults with ADHD.

Guanfacine extended release in ADHD (1)
Guanfacine extended release in ADHD (2)

These two studies examine the efficacy and safety of the drug guanfacine in the treatment of ADHD in children. Combined they report findings on over 500 children between the ages of six and seventeen. Both studies found evidence for efficacy of guanfacine over placebo with mild to moderate side effects.

Photo of wood stork is from the author's files.

Follow the author on Twitter WRY999

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Brain EEG and the Genetics of ADHD

Twin studies in ADHD demonstrate a significant genetic contribution to the disorder.

Linking this genetic influence to specific biomarkers may provide a better understanding of the pathophysiology of ADHD.

Grainne McLoughlin and colleagues at the University of California San Diego and King's College London recently published a twin study of brain EEG and the genetics of ADHD.

In their study 67 twin pairs (34 monozygotic and 33 dizygotic) between the ages of 12 and 15 years completed tasks measuring brain frontocentral EEG theta patterns and reaction time.

Brain EEG frontocentral theta EEG levels increase under tasks requiring cognitive control, reaction time and handling reaction under conflict.

The authors were able to identify a specific type of EEG response in twins with ADHD compared to twins without the disorder

  • Twins without ADHD showed changes in reaction time variability (RTV) and EEG theta performance with an attention and reaction task. 
  • Twins with ADHD showed no change in these measures with the same attention and reaction task.

Of note, the authors were able to link this specific RTV and theta response to genetic features contributing to ADHD.

The authors note in their conclusion:
"This is the first finding that confirms the genetic link between frontal midline EEG activity and ADHD, as previously suggested by family studies."
This is an important finding and has significant implications in:

  • Furthering understanding an EEG evoked response that may assist in the diagnosis of the ADHD phenotype
  • Provide a biomarker for future family, twin and genome-wide genetic studies of ADHD
  • Be helpful in teasing out environmental from genetic factors in ADHD

Readers with more interest in this study can access the free full-text manuscript by clicking on the PMID link in the citation below.

Photo of wood stork in flight is from the author's files.

Follow the author on Twitter WRY999.

McLoughlin G, Palmer JA, Rijsdijk F, & Makeig S (2014). Genetic overlap between evoked frontocentral theta-band phase variability, reaction time variability, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in a twin study. Biological psychiatry, 75 (3), 238-47 PMID: 24001472

Monday 20 April 2015

ADHD and Autism Overlap: Adult Twin Study

Clinical studies show high rates of ADHD in adults with autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

These studies have estimated the prevalence of ADHD in adults with ASD at between 28 and 44% of individuals. The prevalence of ADHD in the adult general population without ASD is estimated at 2.5%.

Given the overlap between these two developmental disorders, it makes sense to examine genetic factors that might contribute to co-occurrence.

TJC Polderman along with colleagues from the Netherlands, the UK and Sweden looked at this issue using a sample of adult twins. Twin studies provide a powerful tool for teasing out genetic from environmental influence by comparing identical (monozygotic) to fraternal (dizygotic) twin pairs.

All twins in the studies rated their ASD and ADHD symptoms from those used as criteria in the Fifth Revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). This produced scores in four key symptom domain scores:
  • ASD social/communication deficits
  • ASD repetitive and restrictive behavior interest
  • ADHD inattention
  • ADHD hyperactivity/impulsivity

Using the twin study design the authors were able to identify:
  • A strong genetic contribution to the overlap of ASD repetitive scores with ASDH inattention in both men and women
  • A strong genetic contribution to the overlap of ASD repetitive scores with ADHD hyperactivity/impulse control in both men and women
  • ASD social/communication deficit showed only modest

The authors conclude their study is one of the first suggesting ASD repetitive/restriction symptoms contribute specifically to high ADHD symptom levels. One potential explanation would be a common genetic factor or factors that produce both repetitive/restrictive ASD symptoms along with inattention and hyperactivity.

The authors note their findings support giving attention to specific symptom domains in designing research in ADHD and ASD. Specific symptom domains may have specific genetic and environmental risk factors.

Readers with more interest in this topic can access the free full-text manuscript by clicking on the PMID link in the citation below.

Photo of wood stork near Fort Myers, FL is from the author's files.

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Polderman TJ, Hoekstra RA, Posthuma D, & Larsson H (2014). The co-occurrence of autistic and ADHD dimensions in adults: an etiological study in 17,770 twins. Translational psychiatry, 4 PMID: 25180574

Sunday 19 April 2015

Experimental skills and investigations

Almost one quarter of the total marks for your AS examination are for experimental skills and investigations. These are assessed on Paper 3, which is a practical examination.

There is a total of 40 marks available on this Paper. Although the questions are different on each paper 3, the number of marks assigned to each skill is always the same. This is shown in the table below.

The syllabus explains each of these skills in detail, and it is important that you read the appropriate pages in the syllabus so that you know what each skill is, and what you will be tested on.

The next few pages explain what you can do to make sure you get as many marks as possible for each of these skills. They give you guidance in how you can build up your skills as you do practical work during your course, and also how to do well in the examination itself. They are not arranged In the same order as in the syllabus, or in the table above. Instead, they have been arranged by the kind of task you will be asked to do, either in practical work during your biology course or in the examination.

There is a great deal of information for you to take in, and skills for you to develop. The only way to do this really successfully is to do lots of practical work, and gradually build up your skills bit by bit. Don't worry if you don't get everything right first time. Just take note of what you can do to improve next time - you will steadily get better and better.

The examination questions

There are usually two questions on Paper 3. The examiners will take care to set questions that are not exactly the same as any you have done before. It is possible that there could be three shorter questions instead of two longer ones, so do not be surprised if that happens.

It is very important that you do exactly what the question asks you to do. Candidates often lose marks by doing something they have already practised, rather than doing what the question actually requires.

Question I

This is likely to be what is sometimes called a 'wet practical'. For example, it could be:
• an investigation into the activity of an enzyme
• an osmosis experiment
• tests for biological molecules

This question will often ask you to investigate the effect of one factor on another for example, the effect of enzyme concentration on rate of reaction, or the effect of leaf area on the rate of  transpiration.

Question 2

This question is likely to involve making drawings from a specimen. This could be a real specimen, or it could be a photograph. You may be asked to use a microscope, a stage micrometer and eyepiece graticule, or images of them, to work out the magnification or size of the specimen.

The two questions are designed to take up approximately equal amounts of your time. You should therefore aim to spend about 1 hour on each question.


During your course:
• Every time you do a practical during your AS course, time yourself. Are you making quickly enough? You will probably find that you are very slow to begin with, but as the course progresses try to work a little faster as your confidence improves.

ln the exam:
• Do exactly what the question asks you to do. This is unlikely to be exactly the same as anything you have done before.
• leave yourself enough time to do each question, spending an appropriate number of minutes on each one.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Summary of Ecology

1 A habitat is a place where an organism lives. The niche of an organism is the role that it plays in the community.
2 A population is a group of organisms of the same species, living in the same place at the same time, that can interbreed with one another. A community is all the organisms, of all the diff erent species, living in the same place at the same time.

3 An ecosystem is an interacting system of organisms and their environment, more or less self-contained.

 4 Energy flows from one organism to another in the form of chemical energy in organic molecules in food. The pathways of energy flow can be shown in a food chain or food web, in which the arrows show the direction of energy flow.

 5 The first organism in a food chain or food web is a producer. In most food chains, plants are the
producers. They transfer energy from sunlight into chemical energy in organic molecules in the process of photosynthesis. All other organisms in a food chain are consumers.

 6 Each step in a food chain is a trophic level. Energy is lost as it passes from one trophic level to the next. The percentage of energy in one trophic level that passes to the next trophic level is generally around 10%. Th is value is the effi ciency of energy transfer. It is generally relatively low for transfers from producers to primary consumers, because of the high content of cellulose in plants, which is not easily digested by most animals but contains a lot of energy.

 7 Nitrogen atoms are an essential part of many organic molecules, especially proteins and nucleic acids. Although a high percentage of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas, nitrogen molecules are very unreactive and cannot be used by most living organisms. The nitrogen must be fi xed – converted into a more reactive form such as ammonium ions or nitrate ions – before plants can make use of it. Lightning and nitrogen-fixing bacteria are the two most important natural methods of nitrogen fixation.

 8 Plants use ammonium ions or nitrate ions to make amino acids and then proteins. Consumers obtain amino acids from plants.

 9 Decomposers break down nitrogen-containing molecules in dead plants and animals, or in their
waste products, such as urea. Ammonia is produced, which is converted to nitrite ions and then nitrate ions by nitrifying bacteria. Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate ions back to nitrogen gas.

1. Multiple-choice test

1 Which ecological term is defined as ‘the particular location and type 
of environment occupied by an organism’?

A  ecosystem
B   habitat
C   niche
D   population

2 What is meant by an ecosystem?
  A  all the biotic and abiotic components of a given environment
  B  all the populations of organisms in a given environment
  C  all the chemical and physical factors acting in a given environment
  D  the community of organisms in a given environment

 Which step in a marine food chain involves transfer of energy from trophic level 2 to trophic level 3?
   A  phytoplankton carry out photosynthesis
   B  zooplankton feed on phytoplankton
   C  small fish feed on zooplankton
   D  large fish feed on smaller fish

4 Which step in a marine food chain involves the smallest transfer of energy?

  A  phytoplankton carry out photosynthesis
  B  zooplankton feed on phytoplankton
  C  small fish feed on zooplankton
  D  large fish feed on smaller fish

5 Which statement explains why herbivores obtain and store in their bodies less than 10% of the net primary productivity of the plants available for them to eat?

  A  Not all parts of a plant are available to be eaten.
  B  Not all parts of a plant can be digested.
  C  Some plant material is tough or distasteful and is not eaten.
  D  Some plant material is eaten by other herbivores.

6 Which bacterial reaction in the nitrogen cycle decreases soil fertility?

  A oxidation of NH4+ to NO2by Nitrosomonas
  B oxidation of NO2 to NO3by Nitrobacter
  C conversion of N2 to NH4+by bacteria using nitrogenase

  D conversion of NO3 to N2by bacteria in water-logged soil

7  Rhizobium bacteria form colonies in nodules on the roots of some plants.
   What is the role of these bacteria in the nitrogen cycle?

  A  to produce ammonium ions from nitrogen gas
  B  to produce ammonium ions from urea
  C  to produce nitrate ions from nitrite ions

  D  to produce nitrogen gas from nitrate ions

8 The percentage of energy consumed by an organism that is actually absorbed by the organism varies for different foods.

The table shows the percentage absorption of different foods by small birds.

What explains the differences in percentage absorption?
  A  A bird in trophic level 3 uses more energy to digest its food than any of the birds in trophic level 2.
  B  More energy is used to digest caterpillars than to digest seeds.
  C  Nectar requires little energy to digest.

  D  Seeds contain more cellulose than do plant leaves.

9  The energy trapped by grassland plants is 10 000 kJm−2year−1 .
    2000 kJm−2 year−1  is used by the plants in respiration.
   The energy passed along a food chain based on this grassland is shown, in kJm−2 year−1  . 

What percentage of the energy available to the herbivore passes to carnivore 2?
  A 0.32%
  B 0.40%
  C 3.2%
  D 4.0%

10 Plots of white clover plants were inoculated with three different strains of Rhizobium bacteria, P, Q and R, and the mass of harvested clover compared with that from plots that were not inoculated and plots that were treated with nitrate fertiliser. The results are shown in the table.

What may be concluded from these results?

  1 Adding nitrate fertiliser increases the growth of white clover.
  2 Inoculating unfertilised plots of white clover with Rhizobium increases growth of the clover.
  3 Different strains of Rhizobium differ in their ability to fix nitrogen.
  A 1, 2 and 3
  B 1 and 2 only
  C 2 and 3 only

  D 3 only

Answers to Multiple choice test
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. D 
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D

2. End-of-chapter questions
1  Nitrogenase   is an enzyme   found   in  nitrogen-fixing bacteria. What   reaction   is catalysed   by nitrogenase?
   A   the  conversion   of nitrate   ions  to  nitrite   ions
   B   the conversion    of nitrite   ions  to  nitrate   ions
   C   the conversion    of nitrogen   gas to ammonium     ions

   D  the  conversion    of nitrogen   gas to nitrate   ions

2  Which  is not a way in which energy is lost between a producer  and  a primary consumer?

  A   as chemical   energy  in  the  faeces  of the  primary   consumer
  B  as chemical   energy  in  roots  that  are not  eaten  by the  primary   consumer
  C  as heat  from  respiration    in the  cells of the  primary   consumer
  D  as heat  from  respiration    in  the  cells of the  producer

3  Draw  a flow diagram   to show  how  an  atom  of nitrogen    in  a nitrogen    molecule   in  the  air could   become   part  of a protein  molecule   in a muscle  in  a person's   arm.

Your diagram   should:

•    name  the  molecules   or  ions  in which   the  nitrogen    atom   is present,   at each  stage
•    name  the  processes   involved   in  the  conversion    of one  substance    to another,   or  in  the  passing   of a substance    from one  organism   to  another

You will need  to  use knowledge    of the  nitrogen    cycle  in your  answer.  You may  also  use knowledge    of digestion, absorption,   transport    in  mammals    and  protein   synthesis   in  cells.

4    a     Explain   what   is meant   by  the  term  community.
       b   The  figure  shows  the  How of energy through a woodland.  All figures  are in  kJ m−2 per  week.  [2]

   i   Calculate  the  energy  trapped  by the  producers and  converted to biomass, as a percentage of the  light energy   absorbed. Express your answer to the nearest 0.1 %. Show your working.  [2]                                                
 ii  Suggest, in terms of energy How, why there are no tertiary consumers in the woodland.    [2]                                    
iii  Leaf  litter  is composed  of dead leaves and twigs.
     The total energy in the leaf litter was 15 899 kJm−2 but only  153 kJm−2 per  week  was transferred to decomposers.  When   animal   wastes  rich  in nitrogen   were  mixed with   the  leaf  litter the  energy flow to decomposers    increased   significantly.

Suggest  why  the  addition    of animal   wastes  rich  in  nitrogen    increased   the  energy  How to  decomposers.       [3]

[Total:  9]

[Cambridge  International  AS  and A Level Biology 9700  Paper 22,  Question  6, November 2009]

5   Many  species  of legume   grow  in  nitrate-deficient  Soils  in  the  tropics.  Some  of these  are large  trees  such  as the flamboyant   tree,  Delonix   regia.

Bacteria  of the  genus  Rhizobium  live inside  swellings   along  the  roots  of legumes.   These  swellings   are known   as root nodules.

A student   followed   the  cycling  of nitrogen    in  an area  with  many  flamboyant    trees.

The  figure  summarises    the  flow  of nitrogen    in the  area.

 a    Name   the  processes   that  occur  at H, J and  K.  [3]
 b  Suggest  the  advantages   gained   by legumes   of having  Rhizobium living  in  their  roots. [2]

[Total:   5]

[Cambridge  International AS and A   Level Biology 9700  Paper 21,  Question  6, June  2010 ]

3. End-of-chapter answers

Cambridge International Examinations bears no responsibility for the example answers to questions taken from its past question papers which are contained in this publication. 

1 C

2 C

3 The answer could include the following points, shown in the form of a flow diagram:
 • nitrogen fixation – conversion of N2 to a named compound or compound ion by a named process     (e.g. to NH4 +  by Rhizobium in root nodules)
 • uptake (e.g. of nitrate, NO3 - ) or assimilation of NH4 + by a plant to produce amino acids
 • production of proteins in the plant on ribosomes
 • eating of plant by a person (or by another animal that will eventually provide food for a person)
 • digestion of protein in the alimentary canal by protease enzymes, followed by absorption through the walls of the small intestine as amino acids
 • transport of amino acids in solution in blood plasma
 • uptake of amino acids from blood by muscle cells (reference to diff usion through capillary wall, tissue fluid)
 • protein synthesis on ribosomes in muscle cell, involving mRNA and tRNA

Exam-style questions

4 a all the organisms of all species; living in the same place at the same time; [2]
   b i 2946 ÷ 65 000 × 100; = 4.5%;                                                                    [2]
      ii not enough energy reaching them; only 2 kJ m−2 per week;                     [2]
      iii (leaf litter is) difficult to break down; reference to cellulose/lignin;
          (leaf litter contains) little protein/nitrogen;
           lack of nitrogen is a limiting factor for decomposer activity;
          animal wastes contain urea/amino acids/ organic nitrogen sources;
          provide materials for decomposers/increase rate of decomposer activity; [max. 3]

[Total: 9]

5 a H = nitrogen fi xation;
      J = nitrifi cation/oxidation;

      K = denitrifi cation/reduction; [3]

   b provide ammonium ions;
     for use in making amino acids/proteins;
     allow plant to grow in soil that is low in nitrate ions; [max. 2]

  [Total: 5]