Tuesday 29 December 2009

When is the Right Time to See a Fertility Specialist?

About one in seven couples struggle with infertility and require assistance in becoming pregnant. The good news is recent breakthroughs in reproductive care are giving couples more hope than ever before. Treatments for infertility are rapidly advancing, but some conditions affecting fertility take more time to treat than others. Therefore, it is important to know when to seek care from a fertility specialist. Penn Fertility Care specialists are pioneers in the development of infertility treatments and are at the forefront of research in the field.

Penn Sports Medicine: Helping Patients Get Back in Action

From the weekend warrior to the professional athlete, the specialists at the Penn Sports Medicine Center provide comprehensive care for athletes of all abilities. Specially trained in the field of sports medicine, the physicians at the Penn Sports Medicine Center have one goal: to help their patients get back in the game as quickly as possible.

A sports medicine patient can be anyone who is active and needs treatment in order to get back to work, weekend activities or organized sports.

Our sports medicine team is really multifaceted," said Brian Sennett, MD, chief of sports medicine at Penn. "We see nearly 4,000 patients a year and provide treatment for a full range of sports injuries related to recreational, high school, collegiate and professional athletic performance."

The physicians at the Penn Sports Medicine Center are experts in treating serious injuries. They combine treatment, therapy and surgery for the least invasive approach to achieving the best possible outcomes.